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The Amazing Health Benefits of He Shou Wu!

The Amazing Health Benefits of He Shou Wu!

Reference: Marita Mason  http://www.stemcellnutrition.net/he-shou-wu
He Shou Wu Root (Or “Foti” as some call it) is a powerful Kidney and Liver Tonic. Its very action of restoring gray hair back to colour is testimony to this.

The Amazing Health Benefits of He Shou Wu!

Some (But not all) people that have seen their gray hair return to colour from using He Shou Wu. However there are a whole host of more important health benefits surrounding this incredible tonic herb. Weak painful knees are another sign of kidney deficiency as is lower back pain and low sexual energy. He Shou Wu is quite often the answer!
He Shou Wu is a tonic for the endocrine glands; it improves health, stamina and resistance to disease. It is used to reduce cholesterol because of its lecithin. It is used for angina pectoris, bloody stools, hypoglycaemia, diabetes, night sweating, schizophrenia, chronic bronchitis, epilepsy, head injuries, impotence, malaria, sores, cuts, and ringworm. It promotes red blood cells, helps rid intestinal parasites, and is good for resistance to cold.
Studies show that he-shou-wu extract improves the cardiovascular system, enhances immune functions, slows the degeneration of glands, increases antioxidant activity, and reduces the accumulation of lipid peroxidation. Such findings suggest that he-shou-wu is helpful in combating some of the processes that lead to conditions characteristic of old age, thereby also reducing the risk of fatal diseases (e.g., cancer) and incidents (e.g., heart attack, stroke). He Shou Wu was shown to have effects on the antioxidant system superoxide dismutase (SOD), accumulation of lipid peroxidase, and enhancement of cell-mediated immune responses, Other antiaging substances studied extensively include Ginseng, Astragalus, Epimedium, Cordyceps, Ganoderma, Siberian Ginseng, and Polygonatum (Huang Jing).The Amazing Health Benefits of He Shou Wu!
Studies have also demonstrated that various laboratory animals fed He Shou Wu in their diets lived longer than control animals:

The same formula also demonstrated significant results in open human clinical studies.

Also, traditionally this herb is said to increase essence and blood. This combination of attributes indicates that it would increase fertility in a woman and sperm in a man since essence and blood are the two necessary qualities required to bare a child. Both men and women attempting to have children should take He Shou Wu.


For all you “science buffs” out there:

To date they have found He Shou Wu contains leucoanthrocyanides (LAC) which are anti-inflammatory, Chrysophanol, Emodin, Rhapontin, Phenolic Glucosides, Nitrogen, Minerals, Starch (up to 50%), Unsaturated Fat, Lecithin, and Oxymethylanthroquinone. (Keep in mind these are only the ones the can identify –There may be hundreds more)
Research has demonstrated that Polygonum multiflorum can very significantly increase superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. SOD is a powerful natural antioxidant and free radical scavenger that has been demonstrated to have powerful anti-aging benefits in humans. Polygonum multiflorum also inhibits b -monoamine oxidase (b -MAO). Both of these factors contribute to the anti-aging effects of this herb.

Polygonum multiflorum has been demonstrated to help strengthen the membranes of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and to promote the growth and development of erythrocytes. Polygonum multiflorum has been found to induce the production in human beings of g-interferon.

Polygonum multiflorum is being used clinically in China for patients suffering from Schizophrenia. It is generally combined with Shen stabilizing herbs such as Ziziphus and Polygonum stem. Reportedly, results have been good.

He Shou Wu is good to strengthen the muscles and tendons. It is also very beneficial for the nerves. It is used for backaches, knee joint pain, traumatic bruises, and neurasthenia. It has been used to lower blood pressure. Many people say it helps them to fall asleep at night also. The list goes on and on!

Reference: Marita Mason  http://www.stemcellnutrition.net/he-shou-wu

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