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Some Facts about Jujubes and Red Date

Some Facts about Jujubes and Red Date

Jujubes, commonly known as Red Date or (红枣 in Chinese) contain a wide array of nutrition, including potassium, copper, niacin, calcium, manganese, magnesiums, phosphorus, and iron. They contain 20 times more vitamin C than any citrus fruit, strengthening the immune system and fighting infections. That’s why they’ve been used medicinally for millennia in many cultures, especially in South East Asia,Korea, Japan and China

Jujube fruits are often found in herbal tea and supplements to help lower blood pressure, reverse liver disease, treat anemia, and inhibit the growth of tumor cells that can lead to leukemia. Jujube extracts are also used in skin care products to diminish wrinkles, relieve dry skin, and treat sunburn pain. For ladies, Jujube and Angelica are an effective combination for reducing discomfort during menstrual cycle.


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