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Herbal Tea, an Efficient Tonic for Eye and Visual Health

Technology today has too many ways to entertain us visually. But, it has too many ways to stress our eyes at the same time. Working long hours in front of a computer can weaken your eyesight. Watching television or spending a lot of time in front of your tablets, and mobile phones also causes tension in your eye. These can eventually contribute to acquiring chronic eye problems.

Vanshow  Eye Tonic Herbal Tea combines the best herbal compound from six to seven herbs to help avoid several eye-related ailments. Among these herbs are the three main ingredients that are very effective in strengthening the eyes as well as in providing relief to certain eye conditions.

Eye Tonic Herbal Tea’s three main ingredients are Chinese wolfberry, chrysanthemum, and mulberry leaf combined with other herbs as a tonic compound to create a healthy tea that can give you clearer eyesight and prevent vision issue.

Chinese wolfberry also called Goji berry is high in micronutrients. Goji is a powerful source of vitamin A—the primary vitamin to aid clearer vision. Vitamin A protects the surface of the eyes and toughens it to reduce the risks of eye infections. The berry is also rich in vitamin C that, according to experts, is very good in strengthening connective tissue. It helps maintaining the collagen found in the cornea guarding the eyes from the formation of cataract as well as vision loss due to aging.

Mulberry leaf has nutrients that lower blood glucose levels. The increase of blood glucose levels brought by preexisting condition like diabetes causes the eye to swell. The swelling of the eyes chronically results to changes in the ability to see things. This may cause blurred and hazy vision which when neglected can lead to more serious eye problems or, worst, complete loss of vision.  Mulberry helps in regulating sugar levels in the blood to prevent these things.

Chrysanthemum has been noted in the history as an effective herb to treat eye conditions. The herb has micronutrients that protect the eyes from too much strain. Chrysanthemum improves sharpness of vision and is very potent in treating watery eyes, dry eyes, spotty vision and blurred vision.

These herbs are not just effective in treating eye conditions. The powerful trio also helps in improving cardiovascular health, alleviating symptoms of colds, reducing bad cholesterol, preventing inflammation and easing headache..

eye tonic tea

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